Eligibility: Part-Time Faculty (Less than 100% effort) with part-time job codes.
- Furlough with Benefits: Unpaid leave without pay, but with benefits. Appropriate for part-time faculty, with greater than 50% FTE and with benefits, in interim term (i.e. summer semester) without work assignments.
- Furlough without Benefits: Unpaid leave without pay or benefits. Appropriate for part-time faculty, less than 50% effort without benefits, in terms without work assignments.
At the end of each term, academic unit will assess teaching needs for subsequent semester for all faculty teaching less than full-time (less than 100% FTE).
If part-time faculty will not perform any teaching, research, or service assignments in the upcoming semester, department will inform both Viterbi Faculty Affairs and their VBA HR specialist of each impacted faculty member, for each indicating type of furlough (with or without benefits), name, employee ID, first day of furlough, and anticipated day of return from furlough.
Viterbi Faculty Affairs will initiate furlough in Workday. Department representative will ensure last day of work is appropriately noted in FSMS contract. Viterbi HR Specialist will align last day of work to faculty pay instructions.
If placed on furlough with benefits, COBRA notice to the faculty is triggered in Workday. USC HR will contact faculty regarding premiums and/or COBRA payments, if necessary.
Before the beginning of each term, academic unit will assess teaching needs for subsequent semester for all faculty teaching less than full-time (less than 100% FTE).
If part-time faculty will perform any teaching, research, or service assignments in the upcoming semester, department will inform both Viterbi Faculty Affairs and their VBA HR specialist of faculty to return from leave. Viterbi Faculty Affairs will initiate return from furlough. Department representative will note all assignments in FSMS. Viterbi HR Specialist will work with Department representative to initiate pay for each assignment.