Mid-Probationary Review for Tenure-Track Faculty
- Viterbi Memo - Overview on Mid-Probationary Period Review of Junior Faculty (issued October 2, 2017) - Note that candidates must also be provided a written summary of the results, prepared by the Chair
- Memo on Best Practices and Procedures (updated September 19, 2013) - provided by the Office of the Provost
- Sample Chair Memo for Mid-Probationary Review (last updated April 21, 2016) - In implementing, please start to form the committees for candidates who are up for review and provide to the committee the memos on best practices and process overview. As in the past, we ask that you write a Chair’s letter/memo that you will give to, and discuss with, the faculty member at the conclusion of the process. The Word document is a template Chair memo which you are free to modify and use as appropriate; you are also free not to use or follow this template but please note that your letter/memo to the faculty member should include required statements noted in the attached process overview memo. Also, prior to discussing your letter/memo with the faculty member, all review materials (including your draft letter/memo) should first be submitted to the Dean’s Office for review and approval.
- Training on Mid-Probationary Review by Viterbi Faculty Affairs (held October 10, 2017)
Tenure-Decision Date Extensions
- Guidelines of the Committee on Probationary Deadlines (issued May 25, 2010)
- Documentation Required for Tenure Decision Date Extensions (issued September 2012)
- Extension of the tenure clock for all probationary faculty due to COVID-19 (issued March, 2020)