New hired faculty appointment documentation is required by the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs to create the faculty member’s “gold” file. Please provide to the Viterbi Faculty Affairs the following for all new full-time faculty appointments no later than 2 months before the faculty member’s start date.
Mini-Dossier Contents (1 electronic copy and 1 paper copy):
- Signed Recommendation for Appointment form
- Department chair’s memo of recommendation The memo submitted to the Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs justifying the request to make an offer is an acceptable substitution)
- Signed offer letter, if delivered directly to the department or program
- Signed agreement to arbitrate claims form, if delivered directly to the department or program
- Signed eAccess form
- CV
- Letters of Reference
- Recruitment advertisements (optional)
NOTE: All appointments with the grant of tenure and appointments at the Associate Professor or Professor on the tenure track require UCAPT review and Provost’s approval.
New Faculty Orientation
All full-time faculty with a start date in the spring of the current calendar year or start date in the coming academic year are invited to Viterbi's annual all-day new faculty orientation workshop held every August 16. Materials are archived online on Viterbi's main faculty page. Separately, new full-time faculty are invited to workshops hosted by the Office of Research and other central University offices according to the respective faculty members' profiles. The Viterbi Faculty Affairs furnishes the list of new facultyl hires to central University offices upon request.